Thursday, 12 January 2017

November 26, 2008

Hi Everyone:

Going Green is Keen, Clean and Supreme. Thanks for making the effort to reduce our waste. I did not don gloves and go through the actual garbage which we did put out, but I know it was a lot less than usual. If I could make a tiny suggestion for future efforts it would be to request that we not overfill the paper bag in the bin. If you think the paper bag is too full or would be too heavy, take it out and start another bag.

Now, here's the news that keeps you coming back for more!  A thankful guest gave his dinner server, Didie, $20 to go towards our program.  Didie, are you sure it wasn't a tip for you and your deserving Dream Team?

Another dinner guest said that, if we should ever find ourselves on the receiving end of the program, at least we should know that Tuesday night's meal is always delicious. One hundred and fifteen guests enjoyed minestrone soup, meatballs, homemade tomato sauce and penne lightly tossed with garlic oil and parsley, mixed veggies, caesar salad and apples, clementines and bananas.  This morning there were 25 overnighters plus 3 more came in for breakfast. Word on the street is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  Even though, our volunteers, the Moms & their Girls, had finished cleaning up, they started scrambling eggs again to make sure the new arrivals were fed.  How thoughtful, kind and generous of their time!

Oh, we have a new addition to our program!  A 300-watt handheld emulsifier which will allow us to puree soups, sauces, ..... endless possibilities.  The cooks can't wait to try it out. Their next wish is for a 14 cup Food Processor..... if anyone has one kicking around, we'll give it a good home!
And finally, there is an event you MUST attend on Friday, Dec. 5, 7 pm at 270 Sherman St. N, formerly the Imperial Cotton Factory. It's the 8th Annual Design Hope Art & Music event with all proceeds going to Hamilton Out of the Cold.  This amazing group is forever reinventing their event.  Last year, they contributed a staggering $65,000.  So if you want to be a part of their energy and brilliance, please join me.  There will be light refreshments, the auction, and live performances from some of the recording artists who have created a third CD, "Under Angels."
For more information, go to

Have a great week everyone.


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