Friday, 13 January 2017

March 25, 2009

Gratitude can turn a meal into a feast.       A Thousand Paths to Wisdom, David Baird

There were so many words of thanks from our 136 guests last night, our final Tuesday for the season. Gratitude is enough from these individuals who, day to day, seek that which we may at times take for granted: food, shelter, health, warmth, belonging and recognition.

As volunteers, you have translated your appreciation for your abundant good fortune into actions that benefit others.  As I watch how you cook and clean and serve our guests with kind words and smiles, it fills me with such pride and honour for the fact that I am a part of this miraculous endeavor.      
Our guests feasted on delicious turkey-vegetable-bean soup, 121 lbs of turkey carved by David Walman, gravy and cranberry sauce, stuffing, roasted potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, Caesar salad, bananas and ice cream sandwiches!  One guest turned to another and said, “Look, I’m dining like a king.” Another said, “This is just like Christmas….without the presents.” And another said to me, “This was such a good meal, I’m missing you already!”  Yes, chef  Susan, Shirley, Joanne P., Arlene, Marlene, Linda, you really outdid yourselves.   Seriously, there were only carcasses left over which the Good Shepherd gratefully accepted yesterday. What a send off!

Due to your involvement over 21 weeks, our group fed 2,611 guests and sheltered 435. That is an increase of exactly 30% more dinner guests over last year.  With the economy as it is, how many more will we see next year?

Our security guard, Mike Pope, deserves so much credit as well. He consistently and genuinely cares for the safety and well-being of our guests and volunteers with such a welcoming and friendly manner, knowing everyone by name, even if they have been absent for a while. Yasher Koach, job well done, Mike.

To our Volunteer coordinators, Joanne and Lila, we are especially grateful for the hours you spend to assemble such a productive, happy, and rich-with-purpose group! Let’s remind ourselves that when we work with others we can come to appreciate our own wholeness. When we engage with others, we are given an opportunity to appreciate our own strengths and gifts, because we can see how others’ strengths, experiences, and contributions complement our own.

Last night, on a scrolled  piece of paper fastened with an elastic band, a shy guest presented the following poem:

bright wings
like stars
hope is the feathered thing
that perches in the soul
and sings the tune
without the words
so gentle
such grace
kindness will light the way
i have seen angels
walk amongst us.
We never know all we should be grateful to G-d for; however, our days and nights at Out of the Cold is a place that we should look to first.

See you all in the fall.



HI Cindy-------It has been wonderful to work with you and everyone else connected with the out of the cold program-----have a good rest----you deserve it---enjoy your summer and a Happy Peasch for you and your family---Take care----love Jeanette

Cindy:  Could Tuesday’s HOOTC have ended with a bigger bang??  That certainly was a full house – the word must have gotten around that Tuesday nights were the best and that this one would be even better because it was the last of the season. I hope you are home from the breakfast run and able to take a deep breath. Sit with a cup of  tea/coffee and please recognize what an amazing person you are!  The programme works because of your kindness, generosity and compassion and not least, your ability to make us all, volunteers and guests feel worthwhile. Again thank you.  Get out into your garden soon and enjoy each day.

That meal sounded delicious & I am sure it was.That really is a big increase in numbers--kind of scary. a beautiful poem.      Marcia

Thanks Cindy, I have enjoyed my first year with OOTC. I am surprised at the number of Guests that we have looked after. I am sure there will be a great deal more next year but.... more the merrier!!! I look forward to the challenge and glad that I can be a part of it..  Enjoy your summer with your family. See you in the fall.  Nancy

Hi Cindy,
Good article.  I thank God He allowed me to serve Him through the gift of giving.  I am strengthened by the experience and much, much more.  May everyone involved recognize this God-given ministry.  You are included.   Sybil

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