Monday, 5 November 2018

Monday, November 5, 2018

Dear HOOTC volunteers,

We are so looking forward to our next OOTC Season Opener, TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 6th.  First allow me to share some recent happenings and programme reminders.

Hundreds of people, Jewish and non-Jewish, faith-groups, Hamilton Councillors and neighbours showed their solidarity with us as a result of the terrible massacre of eleven Jewish people who were praying in the Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh, on Shabbat, October 27.   Monsignor Edward Sheridan from St. Mary's Church attended #ShowUpForShabbat at Beth Jacob Synagogue for services this past Saturday. We sat together through the service and I highlighted for him the meaning of many of our practices, and not only did he look great in a kippah, he was extremely engaged and delighted to meet so many of you, our Jewish OOTC volunteers, who call his St Mary's our church.

One never knows who you'll meet at a Ti-Cat game:  Tessa Mcfadzean, Assistant Director of Women's Services at Good Shepherd. Chitting and chatting, I learned that there are services offered there that we will can be better at promoting. She offered us some toiletries for our Chanukkah gift bags and then told me that our guest, Sandra, who was chronically homeless HAS been permanently housed for quite some time.  We have all worried about her for so long, not having seen her in her usual places.  This is very happy news.

Our thoughts are with Madeleine Levy, who for many years alongside her husband, Monte, made our OOTC program part of their lives.  The funeral for Monte will be held tomorrow at 11 am.

The National Conference on Ending Homelessness begins today in Hamilton.  A two-page article ran in The Spec this past Saturday highlighting local issues with personal accounts of the complicated challenges.  Please, let them find real solutions..... fast !!

We look forward to new and returning volunteers, at St. Mary's Church.

Directions and Parking for St Mary’s Church, Mulberry and Park St.
Drive North along Bay St.  Cross over Cannon St.  Two streets later, turn right on Sheaffe. Cross over Park St.   Park in the lot to your right. See the gazebo at the far end? To the left and around the corner of the building, is a short staircase leading up to the Parish Hall kitchen. Knock and we’ll welcome you in.

Plenty of parking in the lot. Ask Cindy for a seasonal parking pass.

Please remember this may be a rare, “home-cooked” meal for many of our guests. As in our own homes, we model the same hospitality, creating a welcoming ambiance, serving efficiently and generously.  Offer seconds when possible, as guest may be embarrassed to ask, and take your time removing dishes and cutlery.

As we may have new guests from the area, they may wish to “help”.  Diplomatically remind them that they are “guests” and as such, are expected only to enjoy the evening.

In chatting with guests, do so only in the dining room, preferably with a partner.  Enjoy brief “neutral” topics and circulate efficiently.  Be vigilant of our guests needs, but don't stand watching.
There is no secure volunteer room available in this location.  Coats can be stored in the kitchen cupboard.  It is advisable to leave valuables at home.

If you perceive a concern, contact Cindy, Norma or our very special reception/security person, Pieter.
Offer a ride home to a volunteer who is alone or walking.

If you are working the last shift, please stay until the end, helping with the final clean-up duties, which are less challenging if we have several hands to help.  When Cindy and Norma have “left the building”, you'll know we are done!

We always welcome feedback; don't hold back.

If you cannot make a Tuesday, please let me or Norma know. ...... or text 905-966-5102

Thank you for helping host another Out of the Cold!  See you tomorrow.

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