Saturday, 25 February 2023

February 24, 2023

 …. is there any other kind?

Hello Volunteers and Supporters of every type imaginable,

So much to report but so little time before Shabbat, so it’ll come fast and fuzzy.

- Our on site team at Erskine have filled the ovens like never before.  This Wednesday, in the ice storm, the cooks and packagers  prepared 247 meals of which 242 were picked up at the Church door instead of at the curb.  Guests received either an entree of chicken parmesan, salad, spaghetti with tomato sauce, OR roast beef, mashed potatoes, hot veggies along with a banana, home baking. The only item missing this week was hot soup which we just couldn’t handle without our full roster of cooks. An aside, several guests hinted strongly that they would welcome an invitation to eat their meals quickly indoors as the rain/ice/snow/wind was too much for their usual ‘eat at the park bench’ experience.  

- Please read the heartfelt and helpful letter attached from one of your guests.  It’ll warm you on the coldest of February days. 

- Our Board and coordinators will be meeting in a couple of weeks to discuss next year’s delivery of meals.  I’d like to hear your opinions on the following: 

* How have you felt about the current meal service?

* How would you feel about the possibility of returning to meals being served in our sites?

* What would be your volunteer willingness to serve and be on that last shift during sit down meals?

* We also have a potential hybrid meal delivery model for sites.

Reminders:  Our last two dinners will be March 8 and 22.  We are a fragrance free team. 

Be well, Shabbat Shalom and from my heart, thank you for all you do for others.
