Sunday, 30 October 2022

Sunday, Oct. 30, 2022

 We begin our group’s 24th year THIS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 !

Erskine Presbyterian is located at 19 Pearl St. N, just north of King Street West.  The parking lot is reserved for church staff and programs that are finally in-person and busy again.  Please find parking on side streets and mind the time restrictions.  The church entrance door is up the ramp adjacent to the parking lot.  Ring the bell and we will come running to let you in.

Volunteers are required to self-monitor for symptoms before leaving home. If any symptoms develop or if contact is made with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, volunteers must advise their coordinator, me, immediately.

If you are new to our amazing group, please bring in a proof of vaccination. At least two vaccinations are required.  Booster shots are highly recommended. We require all volunteers to use masks and/or shields while on site.  All are provided or bring your own.

Upon arriving, each volunteer must complete the Hamilton Out of the Cold sign in sheet and provide contact information should contact tracing be required. The sign in sheet is in the Blue Room which was formally the Yellow Room.  The new paint colour is called “Bit of Heaven” - totally serious!!  Please record your name, phone number and time you arrived and before leaving, record the time. This will be helpful if we need to quickly contact trace. 

As before, wash your hands with soap in the small kitchen sink and report to duty.

Bring your own apron if you like. 

Kitchen cooking crew must don provided hair nets or full coverage hats.

My cell phone number is ... and I have had my ducts cleaned recently.)  Otherwise, call me if you are running late or cannot attend at the last minute. If you know of vacations or dates that you are unable to attend, please let me know, email, text or call, in advance so that replacements can be arranged.

As always, we welcome your input now or anytime. Our program is better because of you!  

See you this Wednesday, November 2.  
